Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The new program for Excel used to be a mystery for me. The last Computer class I had was in the older version and when this new version came out I was right back where I started, clueless. However, now I am very comfortable with the program and I enjoyed learning new ways to manipulate my data, format it in a professional manner and overall make things make sense on a spreadsheet. This technology will be very helpful in assignments for my other classes and especially later in life with my business career. I know there will be some dislikes about the program but everything I have worked with has changed my outlook on excel. I just haven't found anything I disagree with yet.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Copyright Laws

Before Jason Hardin came to talk, I only had a general view of copyright laws. In some of my business classes, we had several discussions about the topic but not to the depth of which our guest speaker spoke. For instance, I had no idea that U.S. Copyright Laws date back to 1790 and are mentioned in the Constitution. Copyright laws were established to encourage people to be creative and develop new ideas, inventions and technologies. They were made as an incentive for creators which allowed people to protect their work and make a profit.  As a business/management major, this totally makes sense on an economic level. With the encouragement of the copyright laws, when established, new technologies encourage growth and development; creating more jobs and reducing unemployment. Now looking at it from the legal stand point the law states that The term of copyright for U.S. published works is the Author’s life + 70 years. We can thank Disney and Sonny Bono for extending this period to 20 years extra. When looking at Disney’s case it makes sense that they would want to extend the copyright laws. Disney’s products are a major source of income, provide a lot of jobs and to be honest, it would be weird to purchase Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse from anyone else. However, Disney’s additional 20 years are almost up. What are they going to do next? If Disney no longer wins out in court, Walt Disney’s products can and will be produced by other companies and sold at lower prices, which is a huge competitive problem. Many disapprove of Disney’s actions, mainly those who would like to make a profit off of Goofy, yet from a business management view point, I would have hired Sonny too. I have more thoughts about the subject, but I think that was enough Macro, MGMT and BLaw for one blog.
Creative Commons License
Copyright Laws by Lindsey Neubauer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Trinity Network

This is my TU Network Diagram. It shows the major building that is responsible for the campus Internet Network and also the service provider and other campus buildings that provide support. There are also facts about connective ability on/off/through out the campus.

Monday, September 13, 2010

This photo was taken in a location that probably isn't noticed much. I chose it because I liked the angle and little details it held. I cropped the original picture and then used the HSL filter to disguise the location. I also used the museum matte to concentrate the focus on the photo.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Joe Hatch

On Tuesday August 31st, Joe Hatch came and visited our class! He gave us helpful information on Clean House Software, a security program.He also gave us helpful tips for when our compurters start getting slow, how to practice smart banking and also to beware of identity theft. Overall the class lecture was very insightful!