Monday, November 15, 2010

Computer Hardware with Larry Hechler

Last class period Larry Hechler, our Hardware Technician Supervisor for Trinity University, visited and lectured our class on something very relate able, computers. A couple things I took from this visit would include the proper care for my computer and also things to look for when buying a new computer. A clean computer, free of "dust bunnies", is a happy computer. However, cleaning your computer with just anything will not do. Stay away from sprays that contain ammonia and/or alcohol in its chemistry. These chemicals will harm verses benefit your computer. Also proper usage of the battery is of utmost importance in insuring a long and healthy life for your device. When your computer is running low on battery, plug in the extension cord and fully charge the battery. When the battery is fully charged make sure you then remove the chord. Do not leave the cord on or else your battery will develop a short life cycle that will depend on being connected to the charger verses on its own. This will insure that the battery will run at its full potential and will last longer too. Above all else BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVE.  In regards for buying a computer, Mr. Hechler emphasized buying a computer with a warranty plan. One of his best recommendations goes to Dell. Dell offers a complete care package that covers the computer for four years. So if anything happens to it, it will be replaced; no questions asked :)
This is Mr. Hechler's email if you have any computer questions!

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